Prior to engaging in psychological services, you/your child should undergo a medical examination by a pediatrician or family doctor to rule out physical causes for emotional and/or behavioural symptoms.
Following this, a comprehensive psychological evaluation is completed, lasting from 2-4 sessions. At the end of the evaluation, initial impressions and a working diagnosis are formulated. A treatment plan is then developed, tailored to your specific needs. If you/your child presents with an eating disorder, we can provide you with a nutritional assessment and treatment plan.
FBT - Family Based Treatment For Restrictive Eating Disorders
FBT consists of three phases across 20 treatment sessions over a 12-month period. The main difference between FBT and traditional eating disorder treatments is that parents are seen as a key resource in assisting their child to recover.

Treatment for ARFID- CBT-AR & FBT

Because possible signs of ARFID can be so hard to interpret, it’s important to get a thorough evaluation from an experienced eating disorder specialist. The primary treatment goals of CBT-AR are to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, correct any nutritional deficiencies, eat foods from each of the five basic food groups and feel more comfortable eating in social situations.
CBT-E-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Enhanced
CBT-E centres on the individual, encouraging adolescents to take control of their recovery journey. Parents are involved in a supportive role, helping to create a positive environment for the patient’s recovery, though the primary responsibility remains with the adolescent. A major goal of CBT-E is to address the core psychological factors of eating disorders—concerns about shape, weight, dietary restraint, and restrictive behaviours.

Eating disorders have been difficult to treat because individuals closely link their disorder to their identity. ACT is an effective treatment for eating disorders because it encourages a more flexible and inclusive sense of self that is anchored in the life-affirming direction of one’s values.
While traditional DBT has proven to be beneficial for individuals with eating disorders, a new form of DBT has recently emerged, with promising results for treating adolescents with restrictive eating disorders. Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO-DBT), developed by Thomas Lynch and colleagues, is an evidence-based treatment targeting individuals with excessive emotional over-control. Supported by 20 years of research and clinical experience, RO-DBT is now being used to treat adolescents with eating disorders.

Dietician Services

Malnutrition can occur in all different types of bodies, requiring comprehensive assessments for all eating disorder presentations, regardless of diagnosis and body size. In collaboration with you and your therapist, our registered dietician will help you create achievable goals to ensure your child is adequately nourished throughout recovery. This can be challenging, as nutritional needs can fluctuate in youth, especially during periods of growth.

CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a short-term treatment (8-12 sessions) that can be highly effective for many disorders including childhood anxiety, depression, and explosive anger disorders.
ERP - Exposure Response Prevention
ERP exposes youth to the things that trigger their anxiety in structured, incremental steps, in a safe setting. As they become accustomed to each of the triggers, the anxiety fades, and they are ready to take on increasingly more challenging ones.

DBT- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

DBT allows young people to learn a variety of skills in the following areas: mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. DBT seeks to balance two concepts that may appear to be quite opposite; acceptance and change.